Wednesday, January 21, 2009


As some of you know, Ms. T has what they loosely in lay terms call soft teeth. Basically her enamel sucks and her teeth don't turn black, they disintegrate away -strange. Anyway at the age of 3.5 she's had extensive dental work done, 3 root canals (have some kid version they do), 3 crowns, her two incisors have been back filled (to fill them out as they were fading away) and banded crowns were put on these (similar to a cap), and numerous fillings. Today we had the pleasure of having one of her back teeth pulled! It was what they called sick, it had previously been treated for a cavity, now her gum had a bubble on it and the tissue was inflamed. Now we are at home letting the meds wear off. Each time we go we alternate between either puking for a few hours or being very we are mean. Hopefully my next post is something fun :).

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